The Truth About Our Secret Relationships With Sunscreen

Applying sunscreen is the go-to answer for pretty much every skin-related question: “How do I prevent pre-mature aging? What’s most important for my skin? Can it defy gravity like Pharrell?“ Dermatologists repeatedly tell us to apply sunscreen multiple times a day, in the amount of at least 1/2 teaspoon. Just like our dentists tell us to floss twice a day and go ahead, have that apple. “No matter what and don’t ask any questions”, they imply. You know what, how and when you should be doing what the professionals tell you - but are you? Here’s what we have to say about our relationships with sunscreen. Join our chat below. 

“Don’t forget the skin behind your ears!”

“I use the Neutrogena Age Shield Face Sunscreen with SPF 70. It can be oily but is the only one that does not clog my pores and dries quickly. I’ve been bad about using it since WFH but typically I’ll dab this on once in the morning, especially if I’m using my prescription retinoid (which makes your skin more sensitive to sun). Followed by my lotion: CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion (also has options with SPF).  Even then, I’m only really out during my commute so direct sun is limited. If I’m going for a run or longer time, I’ll put this one on my face but add a sports level SPF 60 (like the Neutrogena Sport Face SPF 70) on my cheeks right under my eyes.  I was a serial sun worshipper from age 23 to 29, mainly because I had never been on a plane before age 22 and concurrently discovered beaches away from the East Coast don’t have to have cold AF water with rocks and seaweed. But, I regretted it as soon I saw freckles starting to appear - I’m sure some of them are going to turn into bigger spots in a few years. I have lotions on nearly every desk surface in my apartment. There was a girl at work who used to keep self tanning lotions all over her office and was always rubbing them into her arms and hands. I aspire to do that with these lotions but I’m also failing. Nonetheless, above all else, don’t forget the skin behind your ears!” - Tina J.

“It’s just not a priority right now to wear sunscreen inside.”

“I love using SuperGoop! Unseen Sunscreen with SPF 40 because it’s invisible and I can use it as a primer. I’m more inclined to apply it throughout the day because I don’t have to deal with a white, sticky, greasy mess. That’s really the reason I started using SPF regularly so late in my life. I hated the white residue and smell of other brands. I used to always get moisturizers or foundations with SPF in them as an added bonus until I realized how SPF actually works and that it stops being effective after a certain time. Now I keep it separate so that I can reapply easily, especially on vacations. Because I’m WFH right now, I’m not applying it inside the house, even though I know I should because my desk is directly in front of windows. So I’m (trying) to work on that! It’s just not a priority right now to wear SPF inside. I only apply it once these days because I only leave the house once. But recently in Miami, I re-applied 2-3 times when I was pool side.  Truth is, I started caring about SPF really late into my 20s. That has to do with my very minimal skin care regimen and always being in a rush. But overnight, I became concerned about aging so now I try to use it as much as I remember to. I keep sunscreen in my bag so when I randomly remember it, I have it on me. If you’re forgetful about SPF, the trick is to buy a couple (within your budget) and keep one in your house to use before you go out and one in your car or bag so you have no excuse not to wear it!” - Asna S.

“Blue light can be damaging to your skin.”

“I use the Biossance Squalane + Zinc Sheer Mineral Sunscreen with SPF 30 but I also love the Tula Daily Sunscreen in SPF 30 because I think it gives a nice glow to my skin, especially if you have darker skin. I probably started religiously wearing sunscreen about 3 or 4 years ago and was previously only wearing it when I was on vacation and knew I’d spend a majority of time in the sun. I also used to have really horrible cystic acne due to my PCOS and so I was really hesitant to put stuff on my face for fear of breakouts.  Now that my skin has totally cleared up, I wear SPF every day. My dermatologist did tell me that blue light (aka from your computer and smart devices) can be damaging to your skin so I wear SPF at home too. I don’t reapply (except when on vacation) but hoping to get better at that too. I also keep extra SPF in my car because I have a convertible and notice that the tops of my ears of all places have a tendency to get sun burnt if not protected!” - Nikita P.

“I have been using sunscreen since the 8th grade!”

“I use the EltaMD UV Clear Tinted Broad Spectrum in SPF 46 (even numbers are overrated).  I also use regular moisturizer on top but the sunscreen itself has been great for me especially with my large pores. I have been using sunscreen since the 8th grade. Obsessed? Yes, I’ve been doing it as part of my morning regimen for years so it comes naturally. Although, I don’t always reapply - no relationship is perfect. During the pandemic, I would wear it at home because it was about to expire but otherwise, I normally don’t wear it at home. I’ve been following lots of dermatologists on social media who advocate for mineral sunscreen so I recently switched. There is also the Sunforgettable Total Protection Brush On Shield in SPF 50 from Colorescience, which I plan on trying next so stay tuned!” - Samera A.

-Main Image By @coraemmanuel