Yella Joy: Low Maintenance Plant Care Can Teach You About Self-Care

“Hi, Yella (@danniellajoy) here and I’m going to tell you all about how being a plant parent is a form of self-care. Having multiple plants are like having pets. Taking care of a live plant can create joy because you can tell when they are happy/sad and see their progress as they grow. Giving them spa days and taking care of them just as much as you’d take care of yourself will have them bloom and thrive. I love hanging out and talking to my plants because it helps them (and myself) be happy and healthy. You grow girl!

If you are trying to become a plant parent and concerned about your inability to keep a plant alive, here are a few low maintenance houseplants that I recommend for starting out: 

ZZ (Zanzibar Gem) – very drought-tolerant and don’t require much watering.

Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) – actually very hard to kill and easy to propagate!

Snake Plant (Sansevieria) – can put up with just about anything while also cleaning the air in your home.

Dracaena – easy, slow growing, and very inexpensive.

All of these plants can tolerate low to moderate indirect light, just make sure that they have at least some light, with no dark corners. Although these are low maintenance plants, warning: poisonous if ingested, so may not be suitable if you have pets and/or small children.

When it comes to caring for a Best plant as a newbie, keep in mind:

  1. Every plant is different, so research its watering and lighting conditions before choosing the location in your home.

  2. Create a watering schedule and use your phone/calendar reminders, if needed.

  3. Get a water reader or use your fingers to check if the soil is wet. This will help you to not overwater your plant. Most plants would like to get watered when the top 2-3 inches of soil are dry.

  4. Give your plant a spa day! Cut off and clean the dead leaves when needed.

In addition to caring for my plants, my secret to self-care is:

Learning how to enjoy your alone time and becoming your own best friend. Hanging out with yourself is one of the best things you can do to improve yourself as a person. Living in the moment and doing what makes you happy is also a perception in life that I like to go by. Create the life that YOU want and stop dwelling on the past/future because the person you are today will always be different.

During this pandemic, there has been a lot of self-reflection going on as well as improving myself to become more authentic and unique. The few practices that I use for self-care are: 

Getting a nature fix

I love being in nature and I definitely need a nature fix at least once a week. Whether it’s tanning at the beach, a drive in the forest, going for a hike, or even just looking at a scenic view, nature helps me unwind and creates happiness in my heart that nothing else can fulfill. Hence, why I have so many plants!

Buying flowers

I like to have fresh flowers in my apartment at all times. Every two weeks or so, I’ll buy plants & fresh flowers to replace the dead ones in my vase. Having the visual of new, colorful flowers creates the sense of relaxation for me. I also like to dry some out and keep them in a cute vase for decoration!

Relaxing and taking care of my body

A day of relaxation for me is working out, taking a hot oil bath, doing a face mask, reading, listening to music (while dancing!), drinking a glass of wine, and/or watching my favorite shows. I also really like to journal. I love looking back at my past thoughts/emotions and seeing how much I’ve grown. It gives me the ability to work on becoming a better version of myself.”