How To Beat The Afternoon Slump At Home

It’s 3:00pm and I should be getting excited for that digital clock-out, but instead, I feel it creeping in: that post lunch-slump that sweetly whispers “nap time” to me. Calendar-wise, the colder shorter days are fatal to my energy (not again, daylight savings). Finding that one go-to trick you can consistently use to combat mid-day drowsiness can restore productivity back into your afternoon. Here’s how to do it:  



Get Some Light

Your body’s circadian rhythm tends to work organically with light - your mind wants you to shut off when the sun goes down, and feels the most energized with sunlight around (which is why it seems impossible to wake up when the sun hasn’t risen). Simple tip: open the window shades and work in the part of your home with the most access to sunlight to keep drowsiness at bay. Alternatively, try energy-efficient LED lighting (although inferior to natural light) to maximize brightness.

Increase Blood Flow

Afternoon fatigue is a natural sign for me to get my body moving, which increases blood flow to my brain for improved concentration – think: Wanda-like powers of sharp focus. Simple tip: take a short walk between responding to emails or do ten quick jumping jacks while waiting for the host to start your next Zoom meeting (camera off optional).

Schedule Your Water

Our bodies need more water than we think. And some days, I drink less water than I’d like to admit. Take it from me - that tea latte does not actually count towards your water intake. Many studies draw a clear correlation between increased water consumption and elevated energy levels. Simple tip: make appointments with your refillable water bottle by setting alerts in your phone as reminders. Or write your water schedule in a notebook because is there a better high than crossing off tasks?

Take A Stress Break

Stressing over the same task or staring at your screen for hours can be both physically and mentally draining - or as I like to call it, the digital mind suck. Simple tip: step away from that confusing assignment or your keyboard and try this five minute guided meditation with Hugh Bryne.

Avoid Caffeine, Ironically

Very unpopular school of thought, I know, but I promise fighting your survival instinct to zombie-walk to the Nespresso will be worth it. I became extra dependent on coffee after multiple late nights with unmanageable workloads. Before I knew it, I needed more and more of it just to feel like myself. But the result was always the same...crash. Hard. Simple tip: try peppermint tea instead of caffeine for a natural mental boost. Hard at first, but definitely more refreshing.

By Audrey Alix