How To Become A (Realistic) Morning Person



We’ve all heard stories about those people who wake up at 4:30AM and how it’s “so life-changing, you gotta start doing it right this minute”. While the idea of having a few hours to work out, read, eat breakfast, and save the world all before 8am sounds nice - it’s not appealing to everyone. Instead, here are some realistic ways to kick-start your morning without having to wake up before the birds start chirping.

Walk Away From That Snooze Button…Quickly

I get it - your alarm clock has been going off but your body is like “does this bed feel cozier than usual or is it just me?” Hitting the snooze button may be the most tempting thing you’ve done all month. But frankly, those extra few minutes of sleep do more harm than good, leaving you mentally exhausted from calculating all the sleep you’re not getting. Setting that alarm in the dark hours prior, you promised yourself to be up and at it at a certain time. Pressing that snooze button is betrayal and doesn’t set a good precedent for the rest of your day. Don’t trust yourself? Before going to bed, move your alarm clock across the room, forcing you to physically get out of bed - even in comatose, you’re more likely to stay up.  

Open Your Choice Of Shades

Your circadian rhythm’s sleep-wake cycle is greatly impacted by light - you get tired when it gets dark and naturally rise with the sun. At least, that’s what we hear about our fellow cavemen. So, opening your curtains and letting that post-sunrise morning light in is a great way to wake up. One study shows this type of natural light also greatly improves your mood. The same study also attributes short cat naps to increased productivity so take it as you may. Need to wake up amidst twilight? Consider a sunrise alarm clock like this one that wakes you up with light gradually increasing in brightness (mimicking a sunrise). 

Make Your Bed (No, Really) 

Think about it - this is the very first task you will complete in your whole day. You may be unsure about your next move after that, but making your bed right after you get up puts you on the path of “hit me with the next one”. It’s like the organizing switch has been turned on for the next 16 hours. Getting a small task done, bright and early, will leave you with a sense of accomplishment to tackle all else. Plus, nothing beats coming home to a nicely made (albeit, rushed) bed and winding down to YouTube summer cocktail tutorials

Yeah, We Already Know To Journal

You know when you have that life-like dream you want to store in your mind for later? But when lunch hour arrives with your co-worker, it’s like poof - never happened. That feeling of being deceived by my own memory is the reason I get my thoughts on paper in the AM. Journaling can take as little as two minutes, making it easy to incorporate into your morning routine. We’ve all heard about how wonderful it is to write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for. But, I like the weird ones: describe five things you can’t argue with or a moment where you were a hot-mess (the more, the merrier). Still feeling a little lost? Check out these 30 gratitude journal prompts to get yourself started

Don’t Shy Away From A Cold Shower

This strategy may not sound nice at first, but has been scientifically proven to boost alertness and improve circulation within 30 seconds - if you have any doubt, it will wake you the heck up. If this sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because you’ve likely had to take one (or two) of these in the morning after a wild night out. All the proof we need that it works. Plus, cold showers are multipurpose - they can boost weight loss and help strengthen your skin and hair. If a cold shower still seems too daunting, try a contrast shower by alternating between hot and cold water. 

Try To Enjoy A (Real) Breakfast

Yes, every adult with their life together was right: “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. Making yourself a wholesome, balanced breakfast at home is arguably better than the corner deli’s pot coffee and yogurt bar. Treat your Tuesday like weekend brunch (sans mimosas) and make that hearty cheese omelette with bruschetta. It’ll give you energy for the day and you’ll avoid snacking before lunch. If you’re in a rush but still want to have an enjoyable breakfast, try prepping the night before with overnight oats.

By Audrey Alix