How To Get Your Life Back In Order

If 2020 has you feeling like you just fell into a bottomless black hole of overwhelm, you’re not alone. We. Are. Already. Here. BUT, it’s not too late to start changing your habits for the better and even start making good on some of those New Year’s resolutions you were so keen to set. As with any changes meant to be long-lasting, it’s best to start small and stay consistent with your focus being on the quality of the habit rather than the quantity. Start here:


Organize one area every day and burn calories.

We mean “area” in the broadest sense: kitchen cabinet filled with rusty pans, work bag full of old pens and receipts, digital workspace strewn with unread emails, or clutter of unused apps on your phone. Putting pressure on yourself to tackle every untidy inch of your belongings in one day can cause anxiety and procrastination. So start with just a few minutes every day, during the part of the day where you feel you need a pick-me-up the most. If you’re looking to get a quick workout in, set your timer for 25-30 minutes and hustle to get your errands done – sweeping floors, folding laundry and carrying groceries all burn calories and seriously tone those arms. 

Be your own accountant and track expenses.

Nothing adds up like those daily Uber Eats charges: Starbucks $6.32, Chipotle $13.28. Unless you’re checking your online bank account every day, it’s easy to lose track of the small purchases that add up to an unreasonable amount at the end of the month. Keep tabs on your spending habits by using an app like Mint or if you prefer to write or type, create your own simple monthly expense sheet like this one. By asking yourself if you really need every item in your Amazon order history, you will start to make smarter money choices and accumulate a nice chunk of savings for that La Mer moisturizer.

Keep yourself motivated to tackle each task.

Often times we wake up with the intention to be productive but our bodies and minds have ulterior plans to keep us sprawled in bed and generally lethargic all day. When this happens, be sure not to beat yourself up or engage in negative self talk. To avoid that today-is-cancelled feeling, make a list of your to-do items and remind yourself that you want to complete each of those tasks for your own peace of mind. Let’s try it: “I don’t have to answer all of my emails today but I want to so I can put my phone away at the pool later.” Being able to find ways that your tasks benefit you, instead of stress you out, makes them more manageable throughout the day.

Build a routine and stay consistent.

We saved the best life habit for last. Make a list of the things that are very important to you in having a balanced lifestyle: being fit and healthy, taking care of your skin, spending quality time with loved ones, being successful at work, getting more sleep, or simply getting through each day without needing an entire wine bottle (no judgment here). For each of these life goals, create a weekly routine that you can easily and steadily stick to. If you want to get more sleep, plan to stop scrolling TikTok in bed for hours. If you want more quality time with family, plan those special days like work commitments and give your undivided attention. Starting with small routines and sticking to them leads to consistent and sustainable habits so you can slow clap to your own badass self.

Share some of your own good habits with us below for getting through 2020!