WYD The Night Before A Big Moment?



“Are you ready?!”

We get asked this question repeatedly in the hours leading up to that momentous occasion we’ve been pining for. And every time, the answer we give: “I’ve been ready”, despite how scared we truly feel. The night before a big day is the most important time to check in with ourselves, before getting lost in a sea of people tugging us in different directions.  Here’s how to wind down in the wee hours before that much-awaited day: 

Move Your Body (But Not Too Much) 

Personally, when I’m feeling anxious, exercise is the farthest thing on my radar. But, physical activity tells your brain to produce more neurotransmitters called endorphins (basically, the “feel-good” chemicals). Hence why my more active friends swear by doing yoga, going for a run, or taking a walk to help clear their head.  Any (good) trainer will tell you to tailor your exercise to your specific goals. In this case, the aim is relaxation before a busy day, not to get pumped up for a marathon. Get your body moving just a bit, nothing too intense that will have you gasping for breath. Think: mini solo dance party to Ariana Grande, not Beyonce

Soak In A Warm Bath 

You know that moment when the main character in your favorite movie gracefully sinks into a bath right before a climatic scene? She’s onto something. The warmth of a soaking bath loosens up tense muscles and subsequently, any worries. For the ultimate DIY spa experience, add: scented candles, calming music, bath salts and essential oils. If this is too quiet for you (aka you actually don’t want to be alone with your thoughts), turn on the The Great British Bake Off - we promise, frenzied baking is ironically soothing for the one who is watching. 

Skip Out On The In-N-Out

Your mind may be racing so much that you prefer dinner to be a ten-minute ordeal tonight. But eating a non-nutritious meal can cause indigestion, which can wreak gastrointestinal havoc well into the next day. What you decide to chomp on the night before will translate into your energy levels in the morning. Taking time to eat a wholesome dinner that fuels your body will in turn, soothe your anxious brain. Combine with scrolling through funny memes (@betches doesn’t disappoint) and let the anxiety leave you in laughter.

Leave It All On Paper

My mind used to become a jumbled mess the night before a big day (exams, dates, interviews - you name it). Until I learned about the newest buzz word: manifestation. It’s not just about creating a vision board or chanting affirmations. You can simply put pen to paper to empty your mind and release your thoughts (no fancy journal required). The secret is in the “number 5”. Start by asking yourself any question - What am I grateful for? What am I looking forward to this year? Then, jot down 5 responses. Find your magic manifestation sauce in a distraction-free zone and don’t hold back.

By Sophia Rosenthal